The crime division of the Debrecen Police Station is prosecuting a 28-year old homeless man from Debrecen, who after picking the lock, got into the stairway of a share house in Zöld Street between 5.30 and 5.45 am on the 28th December, 2010.
He could not steal anything because he was caught in the act. Moreover, the man is suspected on solid grounds of having committed two more crimes.
He committed one of them between 20th Dec and 22nd Dec, 2010 at which time he broke into the basement of the share house in Thomas Mann Street 29 and he stole the telescopic, black and yellow MTB bicycle of an unknown victim.
The other case happened between 23rd Dec. and 25th Dec, 2010. This time, he cut off the lock from and stole a white MTB bicycle that was stored on the yard of Batthyany Street 5. Again, the MTB is the property of an unknown victim.
The police seized the two bicycles.
The police request the tenants of Thomas Mann Street 29 and Batthyany Street 5 to go to the crime division of the Debrecen Police Station (Budai Ezsaias Street 4, Debrecen) in case they are the victims of any of these crimes or if they have any information about the victims. They can go there personally in the office hours or they can call 06 52516400 (extension 22-60 or 26-28) or either of these two emergency numbers: 107, 112.